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How much do you know about food and beverages?
If you ordered "Madai" in a Japanese restaurant, what would you get served?
The Chinese developed their tea ceremony thanks to Lu Yu, a Taoist priest who wrote The Classic of Tea during what appropriately "fluid" dynasty?
Consuming raw shellfish is one cause of which of the following diseases?
Manchego cheese comes from which country?
The South Beach Diet restricts what 3 things the first 2 weeks of the diet only?
When did Coca-Cola stop containing cocaine?
According to CAMRA what cannot be used in the serving of real ales?
In 1995, which color of M&M was voted into packages by the public?
Which of these varieties of pasta is the tiniest?
What product's processing method was used on potatoes to produce "Pringles"?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Do you know who these famous people from the 60s and 70s are?
We bet you don't know a thing about who invented these things!
Literature Quiz