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Who or what am I?
What is musician Elvis Costello's real name?
Who is the "Body Thief" from the title of an Anne Rice novel?
I starred on "Saturday Night Live" and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine", and I'm part of The Lonely Island. Who am I?
I was born in Cleveland, won six Emmys, and authored a book called "The Human Animal", who am I?
I was a bad girl in "The Craft" and starred in a teen drama on TV, who am I?
I got my movie break when Ron Howard met me doing a cameo on Happy Days, who am I?
What is a place in which a person bathes under a spray of water?
What is the actual meaning of the word "Bauhaus"?
I am the author who created Hannibal Lecter, who am I?
Who said, "Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes."?
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Everybody likes music, but how much do you know about it?
Who or what am I?