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Who sang these songs from the 20s?
Who sang the famous song "The Death of Floyd Collins" in 1925?
Who sang the famous song "The Mooche" in 1929?
Who sang the famous song "I Miss My Swiss (My Swiss Miss Misses Me)" in 1925?
Who sang the famous song "I'm Sitting Pretty In a Pretty, Little City" in 1924?
Who sang the famous song "(What Did I Do to Be So) Black & Blue" in 1929?
Who sang the famous song "The Admiral's Broom" in 1929?
Who sang the famous song "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" in 1926?
Who sang the famous song "Steppin' Out" in 1924?
Who sang the famous song "Song of Love" in 1922?
Who sang the famous song "At Sundown (When Love is Calling Me Home)" in 1927?
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