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Who or what am I?
What is the name of the zookeeper photo fad from June 2015, inspired by the film "Jurassic World"?
Who said, "I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers."?
I've been the Queen of England since 1952. Who am I?
Who is the actress that tripped over Emma Stone's gown on-stage during the 2015 Screen Actor's Guild Awards?
I'm a government employee who hates the government on "Parks and Recreation." Who am I?
Who said, "Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature."?
I am the very tall NBA star who played for the Shanghai Sharks, who am I?
Who is the actress portrays Harley Quinn in the film "Suicide Squad"?
Who was the American bacteriologist/pathologist who proved that mosquitoes transmit yellow fever?
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