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Literature Quiz
From which language did English borrow the word "golf"?
Who is the author of the book "Belinda"?
Complete the title of this famous 1908 book by W.H. Davies, 'Autobiography of a …' ?
Who does Olivia first fall in love with in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night"?
Which literary sleuth's creator was half English, half Chinese?
In the Anne Rice novel "The Queen of the Damned", who is the only vampire that Armand has made?
Which author's autobiography is called 'Confessions of an English Opium-Eater'?
Who said, "the mob has many heads but no brains"?
To what type of noun does an indefinite article refer?
In Norse mythology, who killed Balder?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Literature Quiz
We bet you don't know a thing about who invented these things!
Who or what am I?