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Who sang these songs from the 20s?
Who sang the famous song "Casey Jones" in 1928?
Who sang the famous song "Exactly Like You" in 1929?
Who sang the famous song "Sally Gooden" in 1922?
Who sang the famous song "Rose of The Rio Grande" in 1922?
Who sang the famous song "The Old Rugged Cross" in 1921?
Who sang the famous song "Argentines, Portuguese & the Greeks" in 1920?
Who sang the famous song "When My Sugar Walks Down the Street" in 1925?
Who sang the famous song "Turkey In De Straw" in 1926?
Who sang the famous song "Sentimental Me" in 1925?
Who sang the famous song "There's Yes! Yes! In Your Eyes" in 1924?
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