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Literature Quiz
Which of these words means "ornamental glass"?
Who is Carrie's first acquaintance on her way to Chicago in Dreiser's "Sister Carrie"?
When trying to use floo powder, where does Harry end up instead of Diagon Alley in "Harry Potter"?
Which basketball player sported a wedding dress to promote his no-excuses autobiography?
In 1905, which classic did Edith Wharton write?
Summoned Bells is the title of which 20th Century Poets Autobiography?
What was the name of the dog of Dennis the menace?
In colonial times, who wrote and delivered a sermon known as "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?
Which one of these is an appositive?
Which of these Hogwarts professors was Hagrid's substitute in "Harry Potter"?
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