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Who sang these songs from the 20s?
Who sang the famous song "Wolverine Blues" in 1923?
Who sang the famous song "Turkey In De Straw" in 1926?
Who sang the famous song "My Honey's Lovin' Arms" in 1922?
Who sang the famous song "Elle Vendait Des P'tits Gateaux" in 1923?
Who sang the famous song "Say it With Music" in 1921?
Who sang the famous song "Somewhere In The World" in 1924?
Who sang the famous song "Jeannine (I Dream of Lilac Time)" in 1928?
Who sang the famous song "Hymn to the Sun (Coq D' Or)" in 1920?
Who sang the famous song "Quem Quiser Ver" in 1924?
Who sang the famous song "How Long, How Long Blues" in 1928?
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Who sang these songs from the 20s?